
Our Core Values

Sacredness of Life

We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. We were all conceived in the mind of God before our conception and our existence is not a coincidence. As scripture reveals “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” –Jeremiah 1:5

Dignity of the Human Person

Among all the creatures of God, human (in masculinity and femininity) is the only creature on earth upon which God has imprinted his own image and likeness (cf Gen 1:26). This shows that God has conferred upon every human person an incomparable dignity (Centesimus Annus 11).
Our apostolate promotes a proper understanding of the dignity, rights and unique value of the human person within the context of the Catholic Social teaching.

Sacredness of Marriage and Family Life

Just as Saint Paul explained, the union between man and woman is a great mystery. It is a sacramental sign that points us to the very union of Christ and His Church. (Cf. Ephesians 5:32.
We believe that authentic Christian marriage is sacred inasmuch as it bears a sacramental Character. We accompany families towards discovering the joy and beauty of the Christian marriage while also preparing them for the eschatological marriage (cf. Is. 61:10; see also 62:5 and Rev 19:7-8)

Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family Planning

Using the moral teaching of the Church as our compass, we promote openness to life, generosity and self-discipline.
We are equipped with the richness of the magisterium and the soundness of true science. We offer counselling and guidance to couples on various ways they can faithfully discharge the duties of their vocation, enlightening them on the evil of contraception and encouraging them to cooperate with God through the gift of Natural family planning.

Dignity and Rights of the Elderly, the infirm, and Persons with Disabilities

In this modern times, there seem to be a prevailing culture of isolationism that tends to reject those in suffering especially the elderly, the sick and persons with disabilities.
We respond to God’s call to love by giving hope to the aged, the weak and the vulnerable in families. We consider them members of the family, deserving the right to be loved and treated with respect and dignity.

Parents as the Primary Educators of Children

Every parent has a natural and inalienable responsibility to determine the education that this most appropriate for their Children. (See CCC 2333).

In a society experiencing consistent and deliberate threat on the meaning and truth of life, sexuality and the family, it is essential that parents become proactive in the education of their children so as to keep them from falling victim to the degrading influences in secular society that constantly tries to impose alien ideas with an approach that is incongruent to morality, Christian faith and the dignity of the human person.

Children as Supreme Gift to Marriage

We are conscious that a Child is not owed to one but is a gift. The “supreme gif of marriage” is a human person. CCC 2378).
A child is not a right but a gift and a gift is given freely and willingly, never required to be forcefully taken. As responsible Christians, we understand that not every means towards getting a child is justified. We work with couples who due to some unknown challenges are unable to have a child helping them unite their suffering with that of Christ so they come to experience the beauty of God’s perfect design in every trial.